Infra-Slim Body Detox is a revolutionary infrared pressure therapy that will rid the body of fat and inches. Studies have long shown that infrared heat quickly and painlessly penetrates the body about 1 ½ inches and heats from the inside out. This process shows that when fat cells are heated they will expand, causing them to temporarily open and expel contents of fat and toxins. This process is known as Lipolysis. When the fat cells empty they shrink and leave a flatter waist, tummy, thighs, buttocks and arms. This process, combined with the pressure therapy, helps to move the liquefied fat into the lymphatic system and to the liver, where it is metabolized by the body and discharged via bowel movements, perspiration, urine, and other forms of elimination. The pressure is designed to simulate a massage that uses enough pressure to reach below the surface of the skin. In infrared pressure therapy each cuff of the suit will fill with air, sending a light pressure and increasing circulation to all areas of the body. This system of compression and decompression duplicates the action of massage. When combined with infrared heat, the benefits include:
Increased energy
Improved circulation
Reduces swelling and pain
Speeds up healing time
Enhancement of skin tone
Slimming and firming of the entire body
Reduction of cellulite
Studies have shown that a reduction of 1-3 inches in the waistline is possible in as little as 1 to 2 sessions, and as much as 4-5 inches overall in 4 sessions. All inches lost will be fat lost as shown on the body composition scale. Participants also report a noticeable reduction in pain, an increase in energy and a feeling of well-being. What is happening during an Infra-Slim Infrared Pressure Therapy session?
The Infra-Slim suit emits infrared heat and soft pressure therapy.
Infrared heat will increase the body’s core temperature, which increases the metabolism of the fat cells.
Infrared heat increases circulation, which in turn will cause fat cells to break up causing Lipolysis.
Pressure therapy helps the transport of fat to the lymphatic system and releases the fluid to the liver and kidneys to be excreted.
Contraindications for the Infra-Slim Infrared Pressure Therapy Body Suit
Do not use if pregnant or lactating.
Do not use if you have a pace-maker or congestive heart failure.
Do not use if you have kidney failure.
Do not use if you are in a weakened or frail condition.